HomeSports BettingMyths and Facts about Horse Racing

Myths and Facts about Horse Racing

Horse racing is arguably one of the oldest sports that both man and horse benefit from. It has been enjoyed by royals around the world, and continues to be one of the most popular forms of betting, entertainment, and demonstrations of elite skill.
Frank Fleming
Frank Fleming
5 mins
October 27th, 2023
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There are many rituals and preconceptions that exist surrounding horse racing that are simply not true. That is why this guide outlines some myths and facts about horse racing.


Firstly, let’s take a closer look at some of the most common misconceptions which are believed when it comes to horse racing. People are quick to pass judgement about something which they are less knowledgeable about, and it is worth learning a little more in order to figure out what is true and what is a myth.

Horses Don’t Like Races

This is one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to horse racing. Because of the increased concern over animal racing events, it’s no wonder that horse racing is facing some level of scrutiny. However, the truth is that most horses enjoy competing in races.

Depending on their personality and temperament, race horses are likely to enjoy winning a race and making their owners, jockeys, and trainers proud. It is completely natural for horses to want to run together as a large group, and racing is just that.

Additionally, horses are considerably more powerful than humans are. This makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get them to do something that they don’t want to.

Jockeys Have Height Restrictions

Weight is actually more important than height for jockeys, and there aren’t any height limits. This is a common belief which is not true, as most jockeys tend to have a relatively petite build. However, this is mainly because they need to be incredibly athletic and powerful so that they are not restricting the horse in any way while they are racing.

Height isn’t something which holds back jockeys or horses, but they are normally a little shorter than average because of the weight restrictions, which are easier for shorter people to stick to.

Racing Horses Are A Handful

Thoroughbred horses are bred for racing. Some of the best temperaments and personalities are carefully considered when deciding which two horses should be allowed to breed. There is a rigorous selection process which takes place, and racing horses are extremely gentle as a result of this.

Thoroughbred horses have a steadier temperament than other horses, and are more focused on training and competing than others. This makes them some of the most efficient horses when it comes to preparing for a particular race or event.


Now that some common myths surrounding horse racing have been addressed, it is time to cover some facts that are less well-known when it comes to horse racing. There is actually a deep history of horses helping people to fight momentous battles and making light work of perilous journeys in the past. It is worth delving into this a little in order to understand the complex relationship that humans have with horses.

Original Racehorses Were Bred For War

Some ancestors of thoroughbred horses used in races today were actually used to build empires and to support soldiers during many wars. Horses were mighty warriors before they were racers, who helped carry fighters and provided a higher vantage point for archers, watchmen, and enabled fast getaways when necessary.

Frisian, Arabian, Andalusian, and Percheron were powerful beasts who helped people in Medieval wars. They were known as chargers, and certainly lived up to that with the immense speeds that these horses could reach.

Flat Racing Gets The Highest Prize

Out of all the potential race terrains, it is flat racers who typically get the highest prizes at the end. These are events such as the Kentucky Derby, the Breeder’s Cup, and the Irish Derby. This is partially because of the increased media coverage and fan supporting, which generates higher amounts of revenue than other horse racing terrains.

Jockeys receive around 8.5% of the advertised win price. However, the winning racer typically gains the highest amount of opportunities and prize money on top of this. While jump jockeys usually receive around 11.03% of the winnings at the end of an event, flat jockeys are more likely to be rewarded by the venue, horse promoters, and other organizations.

This is because of the huge advertising and media attention which horse racing events currently receive. Not only that, but betting is an enormous part of the industry, which helps keep the competition alive for spectators, too. It is worth checking out the latest 2022 kentucky derby contenders ahead of time to make sure you are making the right choice.

Race Horses Are Pricey

Race horses can be extremely expensive, and the entire industry is not cheap. Thoroughbreds can be sold for millions of dollars, and require a great deal of upkeep in addition to the initial costs. It could, however, be argued that someone who is willing to spend such a high amount of money on a horse will make sure that they are taken care of.

There are so many things that need to be considered when it comes to purchasing a race horse, that it isn’t something that anybody can do. There are basic requirements which owners need to meet, not to mention appropriate licensing and insurance.


The world of horse racing can seem a little confusing at a glance, but there are many myths which people believe that are simply not true. Horses are bred for racing, and they enjoy doing it. If they didn’t want to compete, then they wouldn’t let it happen. They are much larger and stronger than us, and would easily have their way if they wanted.

Horse racing has a very deep tradition that has always been seen as an elite sport which is enjoyed by royalty around the world. There is a great deal of money spent on horse racing every year, and it is betting which keeps the sport alive.


Frank Fleming
Frank Fleming founded the Sports Ecyclopedia in 2001 & is a passionate Devils fan.