HomeNewsNouveau cliche: "Indecision is final"

Nouveau cliche: "Indecision is final"

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Rob Parker
 @ December 14th, 2009

Sick as a parrot and over the moon are now cliched football cliches. OTP’s new feature looks at modern day phrases that football could live without

We kick-off this new feature with an Alan Hansen special. The MOTD pundit has been rolling out his favourite ‘indecision is final’ line for years now. The first time you heard it you might have thought it was mildly witty, and maybe even allowed yourself a little nose-laugh at it.

But the effect definitely wears off over time (probably after you heard it a second time). Hansen now uses the line nearly every week. Whether Liverpool’s zonal marking system is being ineffective or Alan Shearer is struggling to pick a shirt, indecision is always final as far as Hansen is concerned.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he also like to use it in his newspaper column!

A little more indecision in Hansen’s usage of his favourite phrase could go along way. And that’s final.

Want to nominate a football phrase that is becoming overused and gets on your nerves? Drop us a line.

Editor of Sporting Post